Thursday, July 21, 2011


I apologize in advance if this post is all over the place. I started this blog as a way to hopefully just get my feelings out.  Feelings about life in general.  At this point in time there are few things that I feel I have going in the right direction for me.  My family and my job...Yes I have a few close friends, and I am thankful for them, but within the past 6 months, I feel as though I have lost more friends than I have.  I feel lost.  I feel as though we can never get ahead financially.  My DH gets a side job and we think we will have extra money to spend on a vet bill or to go on a "vacation" aka camping for a weekend, and then the car has trouble.  Or one of us has to go to the doctor.  I have so many dreams and aspirations that people have told me not to do away with, but why dream when you are constantly met with discouragement and negativity.  I dont have any hobbies, well I guess you can say I do, but due to some instances in the past 6 or so months, I dont feel like its something I enjoy anymore.  Which sucks. BIG TIME.  Ever feel as though the life was ripped right out of you in an instant...yea that was me, to not only a hobby, but a dream of mine. 

Granted, I realize that Many people have far worse things going on, and that my life's happenings are miniscule comparatively speaking.  As I said earlier, I just need an outlet.  Continually burying these feelings is not good for me and my health and relationships that I do have. I want my friends back.  I want the life I had 6 months ago back.  I want to be excited about taking an entire day and spending time with animals I love and Friends that make me laugh until I am sick.  I no longer have that.  Then I post things on facebook about wanting/needing friends and everyone says they will hang out.  Do they am not sure what else to write right now, but hopefully this is the outlet I need.  I am going to end my posts with something I am grateful for/have positive going on in my life.  I need to get back in the right direction.

*I have an amazing husband and gorgeous son.  I have an awesome job.  I am thankful for the small things.  (most days)

Until later

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